Meet the dams of Black Beaver Creek Kennel!
Rosie is a red piebald long hair miniature dachshund, weighting in at 10 pounds. She loves to hang out, has a loud bark and is very calm. Rosie was born on November 20th, 2019. She is currently expecting her last litter and once puppies arrive and are weaned, she will be looking for her forever home once spayed.
Dutchess is a chocolate and tan wire miniature dachshund dame, born on February 1st, 2019. She weighs in at 9 pounds. She is very affectionate, a clown, happy go lucky, would go on a hunt and a sweetheart.
Penguin is a black and brindle wire miniature dachshund dame weighing 12 pounds. She was born on December 2nd, 2020. She is a sweetheart.
Primrose is an A-typical black dapple non pointed long hair miniature dachshund dame. She weighs 10 pounds. She acts very regal, reserved, demands aristocracy, she’s like a butler. This would be the perfect show dog as she has a large keel, big paws, straight back with a lush and full coat and high energy. Primrose was born on October 18th, 2019.
This here is Odessy. She is an 11 pound shaded cream long hair miniature dachshund. She is very calm, gentle and laid back. She was born on May 12th, 2019.
Que Sera Sera
Black and Tan Wire Miniature Dachshund Dame. She was born on July 25th, 2022 to Penguin and Jax.
Versailles is an up and coming dame. She is a Black Brindle Dapple Silkie Wire. She weighs 10 pounds. She is a clown who is energetic, playful, drive focused and would make a perfect hunting dog. Born on October 28th, 2022.
Tessa is one of our up and coming dames. She weighs 8 pounds. She is a chocolate and tan dapple piebald long hair miniature dachshund.
She plays hard, very affectionate, happy, pure doxie, loves to bark and be sassy, queen of everything, strong personality. She was born on October 1st, 2022.
Calico is chocolate and cream silkie wire miniature dachshund. She weighs 8 pounds. She is always about the kisses, has her own speed, and loves to just hang out. Calico was born on July 12, 2021.
Norma Jean
Meet Norma Jean, like Norma Jean Baker! She’s a bimbo, a dufus, she’s an energizer bunny looking for trouble! She is a long hair 9 pound miniature dachshund dame!
Is a new dame. She is a chocolate and tan wire-haired female. She weighs 8 pounds and a spit fire! She was born on July 24th, 2022 to Queenie & Boris.
Cricket is 8 pounds and is a red brindle long hair miniature dachshund dame.
She is a sweetheart, very loving & affectionate, tolerant, but a dolly. Cricket was born on February 17, 2020.
Ladybug is a longhair black piebald dapple non pointed, blue eyed, miniature dachshund. She is super high energy, very loving, but also very protective of her puppies. Ladybug was born on September 19, 2020.
Betsy is a red brindle dapple piebald long hair miniature dachshund.
Up and Coming Dame. Black and tan piebald wire miniature dachshund.
Up and Coming Dame. Black and tan piebald wire miniature dachshund.
Cream (wheaton) soft wire miniature dachshund. Very timid. Sandy was born on June 26, 2021.
Fanta is a black and tan dapple long hair miniature dachshund born on July 4th, 2023.
Valentina is a chocolate and tan piebald wire miniature dachshund dame. She was born on Feb. 15th, 2022.